NanoBat consortium meeting in Madrid
On May 4-5, 2022 the NanoBat consortium met for their 2nd in person meeting just after the end of the project’s second year. The meeting was kindly hosted by IMDEA Energy in Mósteles, a small city near Madrid.
While part of the meeting consisted of a wrap-up of past activities, most of the time was dedicated to discussing the progress and the way forward in the individual Work Packages. Those partners that could not make it in person were able to connect online to share their thoughts. Since the meeting marked the start of NanoBat’s final year, those discussions laid an excellent foundation for this last stretch of the project.
Another focus was an update of the most recent and future dissemination and publication efforts of the consortium. The partners are very active in publishing their project-related results. A list of those publications is available here. In addition, the next NanoBat Workshop in November 2022 was discussed in detail. While it will be connected to IBPC 2022, the consortium decided to hold it virtually to make it available to participants all over the world. Information on this workshop will follow shortly. If you are interested to find out more about the project in the meantime, the next opportunity to meet project partners will be at IndTech 2022 in Grenoble where NanoBat is planned to be present with a booth.
The meeting was rounded up with a visit to the IMDEA Energy laboratories which gave a great insight into the work they are doing in and beyond NanoBat.
The next consortium meeting is scheduled for July 5-6, 2022 when the coordinator Keysight will welcome the partners in Linz, Austria.